Avenue 95 Hallera, Wroclaw
registration: 534 882 889
Mon-Fri: 8:00-20:00
Rehabilitacja WrocławPolska wersja

Adult Physiotherapy

Do you need physiotherapy? Have you recently had any injuries, fractures or surgeries? Do you suffer from degenerative joint pains or backaches? Do you suffer from sciatica, discopathy, rheumatoid arthritis? We will help you. We offer a wide range of healing therapies, massages, and treatments - tailored to your needs and capabilities.
Physiotherapy of adults Wroclaw - professional care of physiotherapists.

Go to:
Physical / Manual TherapyKinesitherapyHEALTHY SPINE TrainingPost Mastectomy TherapyKinesiotapingSpine MassageTherapeutic MassageLymphatic Massage (drainage)Full-body MassageMassage a Chinese cupping

Physical / Manual Therapy

manual therapy Wroclaw
We provide rehabilitation of adults in diseases:


  • pain syndromes of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine
  • discopathy
  • overload syndrome/overuse injuries
  • osteoarthritis of the spine
  • conditions after injuries
  • torticollis


  • sciatic and brachialgia
  • stroke
  • damage to peripheral nerves
  • cerebellar syndrome
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Huntington’s disease
  • multiple sclerosis

orthopedic / after injuries:

  • degeneration of the joints
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • hallux valgus
  • bone fracture
  • joint sprains
  • rupture of ligaments, muscles
  • contracture of muscles and joints
  • weakness in muscle strength
  • tennis/golfer elbow syndrome,
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • painful shoulder syndrome
  • after arthroscopic procedures
  • after arthroplasty
  • after ligaments transplants
  • after cartilage-bone transplants


  • heart-attack related problems
  • ischemic heart disease
  • hypertension
  • lymphoedema, anti-edema therapy after surgery, scar therapy.

service price: 180 zł/ 50 min


rehabilitation of adults Wrocław
Treatment description:

Therapeutic exercises selected to heal a specific problem, primarily aimed at restoring mobility and analgesia. Kinesitherapy can also involve other parts of the body – not directly related to the problem but positively affect the whole organism. Kinesitherapy allows for effective and comprehensive rehabilitation.

service price: 180 zł/ 50 min


adult rehabilitation Wroclaw
Training description:

Does your back hurt permanently? It means that your back needs rehabilitation. Our original training aims to strengthen and relax your muscles and free you from the pain. During the training, we will also teach you exercises which you can do yourself at home. You will improve the condition of your muscular corset, while at the same time, learn how to minimize the excessive load on the spine. Depending on the disorder and therapeutic plan, the training may include: strengthening postural muscles, trunk elongation, and relaxation exercises.

service price: 180 zł/ 50 min

Post Mastectomy Therapy

women's physiotherapy Wroclaw
Therapy description:

This is a specialized rehabilitation for women who have undergone the mastectomy. We establish a therapeutic plan with the patient which takes into account the current state of health and the time that has passed since the procedure. The plan includes general-fitness exercises, shoulder belt muscles, back, abdominal and breathing exercises. The therapy is supplemented by lymphatic drainage which prevents the formation of edema. Rehabilitation treatment after mastectomy increases the effectiveness of the treatment process, eliminates pain and hand contractures in the operated area. Accelerates convalescence and reduces the risk of relapse.

service price: 180 zł/ 50 min


kinesiology taping Wroclaw
Therapy description:

Strips can be used in joint and muscle diseases and after injury – the therapist applies tapes on the affected area around the body, which gives immediate analgesic effect. They are also used in the treatment of edema – special application methods make the swelling absorb quicker and stop from returning. This is a quick and non-invasive method of rehabilitation, safe for everyone.

service price: 60 zł/ application

Spine Massage

adults physiotherapy Wroclaw
Massage description:

The treatment is designed to diminish back pain and accelerate the regeneration of overloaded structures. The massage covers all sections of the spine. Especially recommended for degenerative disease. Massage, if necessary, is combined with the fascial sling and soft tissue techniques. It’s a great form of spinal rehabilitation.

service price: 140 zł/ 20 min

service price: 180 zł/ 45 min

service price: 200 zł/ 60 min

Therapeutic Massage

adults physiotherapy Wroclaw
Massage description:

It is used in rehabilitation after injuries, surgical procedures, pain syndromes, arthrosis, neuralgia and anti-edematous therapy. Massage relieves pain, speeds up recovery and regeneration processes, improves blood circulation, reduces swelling and relaxes tense muscles.

service price: 140 zł/ 20 min

service price: 180 zł/ 45 min

service price: 200 zł/ 60 min

Lymphatic Massage (drainage)

rehabilitation massage Wroclaw
Massage description:

It is used in anti-swelling therapy. The therapist manually moves the accumulated fluid towards the closest lymph nodes in the direction of the lymph flow. It can be used in chronic or acute illnesses, the very next day after surgery or injury. It reduces swelling, accelerates healing, reduces pain and the feeling of ”heaviness”. * during the treatment, the therapist teaches the patient how to perform drainage themselves

service price: 140 zł/ 20 min

service price: 180 zł/ 45 min

service price: 200 zł/ 60 min

Full-body Massage

rehabilitation of adults Wrocław
Massage description:

Perfect for a complete renewal of your body. It improves blood circulation and nutrition of tissues, restores the balance between muscles. The massage covers the whole body. Also recommended as a great gift for a loved one. * the treatment also includes a face massage on request

service price: 230 zł/ 90 min

Anti-cellulite massage a Chinese cupping

#massage a Chinese cupping Wrocław

Chinese cupping massage is an effective form of supporting the fight against cellulite. It consists in creating, with a rubber bubble, a vacuum that sucks in a fold of skin. This stimulates local circulation, removing toxins and accelerating metabolism. Thanks to this, the skin becomes more elastic and firm, which facilitates body shaping.

An additional effect of Chinese cupping massage is relaxation and restoration, reduction of muscle tone, and thus reduction of pain.

service price: 140 zł/ 25 min

Want to make an appointment? Write to us!

Do you want to share your opinion? Please contact us.


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Who we are:

Our team of professional physiotherapists will work together for your benefit. We are dedicated to helping our patients take care of their bodies and quickly return to good physical health.


Registration working hours:

Mon-Fr 8:00-20:00

534 882 889