Who we are:
Our team of professional physiotherapists will work together for your benefit. We are dedicated to helping our patients take care of their bodies and quickly return to good physical health.
Kinesiology taping is a new metohd that is used in phisiotherapy and sport. Kinesiology taping is safe for children and elderly. Due to its effectivness and immediate action, it is becoming more and more popular.
We use kinesiology taping in the case of:
* if we want kinesiology tape to stick well, the skin should be shaved
* before applying kinesiology tape, balsams and creams should not be used
service price: 60 zł
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Registered offices:
Avenue 95 Gen. Józefa Hallera, 53-201 Wroclaw
Phone number. 534 882 889 or mail: office@fizjohome.wroclaw.pl. Website: fizjohome.wroclaw.pl
PartnershipSpecialist Medical Care
Medical Research Institute
"Mały Mistrz"
We operate in Wroclaw and nearest surrounding areas, we commute to:
Wroclaw Oporów, Wroclaw Borek, Wroclaw Grabiszyn, Wroclaw Krzyki, Wroclaw Partynice, Wroclaw Ołtaszyn, Wroclaw Śródmieście, Wroclaw Sępolno, Wroclaw Księże Małe, Wroclaw Biskupin, Wroclaw Psie Pole, Wroclaw Nowy Dwór, Wroclaw Fabryczna, Wroclaw Muchobór, Wroclaw Bielany.
Example of streets, we are reaching:
Hallera, Grabiszyńska, Ojca Beyzyma, Krucza, Inżynierska, Powstańców Śląskich, Ślężna, Armii Krajowej, Oławska, Wita Stwosza, Rynek, Sienkiewicza, Mickiewicza, Piastowska, Nowowiejska, Wyszyńskiego, Grunwaldzka, Partyzantów, Okrzei, Dembowskiego, Chełmońskiego, Piłsudskiego, Kołłątaja, Skargi, Olszewskiego, Wróblewskiego, Baciarellego, Pomorska, Poniatowskiego, Opolska, Krakowska, Traugutta, Legnicka, Jedności Narodowej, Borowska.
Registration working hours:
Mon-Fr 8:00-20:00