Avenue 95 Hallera, Wroclaw
registration: 534 882 889
Mon-Fri: 8:00-20:00
Rehabilitacja WrocławPolska wersja

Seniors Physiotherapy

Have you ever noticed that your health is limiting you more and more? Pain does not allow you to be active and enjoy life? Are your movements slower and less precise? We provide comprehensive rehabilitation in degenerative disease, spine disorders, hip and knee joints, and after surgical procedures - including endoprosthesis. Enjoy your physical fitness longer! Physiotherapy of seniors Wroclaw - trust our physiotherapists.

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Physical / Manual TherapyKinesitherapyHEALTHY SPINE TrainingPost Mastectomy TherapyKinesiotapingSpine MassageTherapeutic MassageLymphatic Massage (drainage)Full-body Massage

Physical / Manual Therapy

manual therapy for seniors Wroclaw
We provide rehabilitation in diseases, characteristic of the mature age, in the field of diseases:


  • osteoarthritis of the spine
  • pain syndromes of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine
  • discopathy
  • hernia
  • overload syndrome/overuse injuries
  • conditions after injuries
  • ankylosing spondylitis


  • stroke
  • sciatic and brachialgia
  • multiple sclerosis
  • damage to peripheral nerves
  • cerebellar syndrome
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease


  • condition after myocardial infarction
  • ischemic heart disease
  • hypertension

orthopedic / after injuries:

  • degeneration of the joints
  • bone fracture
  • joint sprains
  • hallux valgus
  • heel spurs
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • painful shoulder syndrome
  • rupture of ligaments, muscles
  • weakness in muscle strength
  • after arthroplasty
  • after arthroscopic procedures
  • after ligaments transplants
  • after cartilage-bone transplants


  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • asthma

lymphoedema, anti-swelling therapy after surgery, osteoporosis, scar mobilization after surgery.

service price: 180 zł/ 50 min


elderly people rehabilitation Wrocław
Therapy description:

Special therapeutic exercises adapted to the age, patient dysfunction, and his mobility. Kinesitherapy can involve the whole body, but with emphasis on the selected area that causes the health problem. In addition to analgesic and improving effects, it increases the physical fitness of the body and overall fitness. It’s a good form of rehabilitation for the elderly – it stimulates the body, helps keep the joints healthy.

service price: 180 zł/ 50 min


seniors' rehabilitation Wroclaw
Training description:

Our spine rehabilitation program aims to reduce pain, increase the mobility and flexibility of the spine, strengthen the muscles and eliminate harmful factors. This will allow you to freely move and bend your body. During our traing, we will also teach you exercises that you can do yourself at home. We use the training in diseases such as discopathy, sciatica or shoulder pain, degeneration of the intervertebral joints, disc herniation, back pain.

service price: 180 zł/ 50 min

Post Mastectomy Therapy

women's physiotherapy Wroclaw

This is a specialized rehabilitation offer for women after mastectomy. We establish a therapeutic plan with the patient which takes into account the current state of health and the time that has passed since the procedure. We create an individual plan of general-fitness exercises, shoulder belt muscles, back, abdominal and breathing exercises. The therapy is supplemented by lymphatic drainage, which prevents the formation of edema. Rehabilitation treatment after mastectomy procedure increases the effectiveness of the treatment process, eliminates pain and hand contractures in the operated area. Accelerates convalescence and reduces the risk of relapse.

service price: 180 zł/ 50 min

Kinesiotaping - tapes

kinesiology taping Wroclaw
Procedure description:

They are used in diseases of the joints and spine, after bruises and injuries, as well as in paresis. They have analgesic effects, reduce swelling, stabilize joints and facilitate movement in the case of flaccid and spastic paresis.

service price: 60 zł/ taping

Spine Massage

physiotherapy of the elderly Wroclaw
Massage description:

The treatment is supposed to counteract back pain and accelerate the regeneration of overloaded structures. The massage covers all sections of the spine. Perfect in degenerative disease of the spine. Massage if necessary is combined with manipulation of fascia and soft tissue techniques.

service price: 140 zł/ 20 min

service price: 180 zł/ 45 min

service price: 200 zł / 60 min

Therapeutic Massage

rehabilitation of seniors Wroclaw
Massage description:

It is used in conditions after injuries, pain syndromes, surgical procedures, arthrosis, neuralgia and anti-edematous therapy. Massage relieves pain, speeds up the healing and regeneration processes, improves blood circulation, reduces swelling and, above all, relaxes tense muscles.

service price: 140 zł/ 20 min

service price: 180 zł/ 45 min

service price: 200 zł/ 60 min

Lymphatic Massage (drainage)

Wrocław rehabilitation of the elderly
Massage description:

It is used in anti-swelling therapy. The therapist manually moves the accumulated fluid towards the closest lymph nodes in the direction of the lymph flow. It can be used in chronic or acute illnesses, the very next day after surgery or injury. It reduces swelling, accelerates healing, reduces pain and the feeling of „heaviness”. * in addition, during the treatment, the therapist teaches the patient how to perform drainage himself

service price: 140 zł/ 20 min

service price: 180 zł/ 45 min

service price: 200 zł/ 60 min

Full-body Massage

physiotherapy of seniors Wroclaw
Massage description:

Perfect for a complete renewal of your body. It improves blood circulation and nutrition of tissues, restores the balance between muscles. The massage covers the whole body with its action. Also recommended as a great gift for a loved one. * the treatment also includes a face massage on request

service price: 230 zł/ 90 min

Want to make an appointment? Write to us!

Do you want to share your opinion? Please contact us.


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Who we are:

Our team of professional physiotherapists will work together for your benefit. We are dedicated to helping our patients take care of their bodies and quickly return to good physical health.


Registration working hours:

Mon-Fr 8:00-20:00

534 882 889